Wage And Hour Compliance

Proper interpretation of federal and state wage and hour laws is imperative for employers to avoid expensive class action litigation and administrative investigations.  This includes advice on:

  • Accurate classification of individuals as either “employee” or “independent contractor”
  • Accurate classification of “exempt” and “non-exempt” employees
  • Adherence to Nevada’s unique and complicated minimum wage laws
  • Applying the correct formulas to calculate overtime premiums
  • Tracking employees’ starting, ending and meal/break times
  • Paying employees for all “compensable” work
  • Providing required meal and rest breaks
  • Timeliness of issuing paychecks
  • Reviewing types of permissible deductions from employee earnings
  • Required advance written notice before lowering an employee’s rate of pay
  • Compliance with child labor laws

If your business is facing these or other wage and hour issues, including the sometimes inconsistent obligations imposed by state and federal laws, it is important to partner with the strongest management-side labor and employment law firm possible. The attorneys of Kamer Zucker Abbott are some of Nevada’s most employer-centric labor and employment advocates.

We advise and represent companies in the myriad of issues and legal challenges arising under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and Nevada’s unique wage and hour laws, as well as other related laws impacting employee compensation and hours worked. KZA’s work in this area includes:

  • Representing clients in Department of Labor investigations and audits
  • Responding to wage claims filed with the Office of the Nevada Labor Commissioner
  • Defending lawsuits brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act and other related federal and state statutes, including class actions and collective actions
  • Developing defensible procedures and practices related to commission payments, tip pooling, and employer recordkeeping