KZA University

Kamer Zucker Abbott is dedicated to educating Nevada employers on the ever-evolving landscape of labor and employment law. Our “KZA University” delivers these important educational services through our (1) KZA Employer Report and (2) management workshops, programs, and seminars, offered in person and via webinars. These services are free of charge to our clients.

Our electronic newsletter, the KZA Employer Report, contains original content written by KZA’s Partners. The KZA Employer Report covers changes to state and federal laws and regulations, new court decisions, guidance and mandates released by state and federal agencies, and breaking news. You can subscribe to the KZA Employer Report at no cost. We hope you will subscribe!

In addition, KZA has offered regular webinars, management workshops, and seminars on a variety of labor and employment subjects. These educational programs are prepared and presented by KZA attorneys and range in complexity from basic to advanced topics. We currently offer regular Management Workshops in a webinar format and Lunch with a Lawyer programs in a web meeting format, both provided to our clients at no cost. For each program, we offer Continuing Legal Education credits via the Nevada State Bar and Professional Development Credits from the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM).

We market and announce our upcoming programs through our KZA Employer Report. We invite you to attend our next Management Workshop or Lunch with a Lawyer program. Additionally, if you see a prior program that interests you, please contact us for a link to the video recording.

KZA’s Next Program

Topic: Best Practices for Internal Investigations

Date & Time:  March 18, 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 

Registration is now open for our first management workshop of 2025!  KZA’s Managing Partner, Scott Abbott, will provide a deep dive into internal investigations, covering the why’s, the how’s, the do’s and the don’ts for Human Resources or Legal investigations. He will also walk you through a few practical scenarios of some thornier investigation conundrums. 

As always, this program is complimentary to all current clients and is offered for the cost of $49.00 to non-clients. To register, click here

This program is approved for 2.0 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® and 2.0 NVCLE General credits. An HR Certificate of Attendance will also be provided upon request to submit to SHRM and the HRCI for Professional Development Credit.

Finally, if you are a KZA client, you can invite anyone to attend as your guest for free! Simply contact Kathleen Knight at [email protected]and let her know who you are inviting. Next, tell your colleague or friend to register for the event under the “client” registration link.

We hope you will join us!


KZA’s Prior Programs

SB 82’s Changes to the Apprenticeship Utilization Act

January 9, 2024, 1.5 hours, Management Workshop 

Nevada’s Labor Commissioner, Brett Harris, discusses the changes made to the Apprenticeship Utilization Act by Senate Bill 82, explains employer’s new reporting requirements, and answers questions.

It’s Time to Update Your Handbooks

November 9, 2023, 1 hour, Lunch with a Lawyer

KZA attorney Jody Florence addresses the types of updates Nevada employers should consider for their handbooks in light of changes made to Nevada law by the Nevada Legislature as well as the NLRB’s decisions in Stericycle and Cemex Construction Materials Pacific.

Employers’ Nevada Legislative Update 

August 1, 2023, 2 hours, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Kaitlin Paxton and Jody Florence review the labor and employment bills passed by Nevada’s 82nd Legislature. 

Top State Wage and Hour Compliance Challenges for Nevada Employers

June 27, 2023, 1 hour, Lunch with a Lawyer

KZA partner Eddie Keller hosts an interactive discussion with Nevada’s Labor Commissioner, Brett Harris, concerning important compliance issues Nevada employers frequently confront in the wage and hour arena. 

The FMLA – 30 Years Later

May 18, 2023, 1 hour, Lunch with a Lawyer

KZA’s Managing Partner Scott Abbott leads a discussion about the lessons learned and challenges faced by employers since the FMLA was enacted in 1993, addressing the most common questions and sources of employer frustration with FMLA compliance.

Pregnancy and Employment Laws

March 28, 2023, 1.5 hours, Management Workshop

KZA partners Kaitlin Paxton and Jody Florence review existing and new laws covering employees who are pregnant, experiencing pregnancy-related conditions, or have given birth. 

Noncompetes Under Fire

February 28, 2023, 1hour, Lunch with a Lawyer

KZA partner Todd Creer presents the latest developments on noncompetition contracts, reviewing Nevada’s existing restrictions on these agreements and the federal government’s proposal to ban noncompetition contracts and clauses all together.

Marijuana Issues Every Nevada Employer Should Know

January 26, 2023, 1 hour, Lunch with a Lawyer

KZA’s managing partner, Scott Abbott, presents the latest developments in Nevada employment law as to medical and recreational marijuana use by employees. 

2022 Labor Law Review: Are Unions Cool Again?

December 6, 2022, 2.5 hours, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Gregg Kamer, Eddie Keller, Nicole Martin and Dare Heisterman discuss the trends, controversies, and labor law changes that are reshaping the workplaces of both non-union and unionized employers.

Managing Leave Of Absence Challenges

October 27, 2022, 1 hour, Management Workshop

Partners Jody Florence and Kaitlin Paxton help you analyze the challenges that can arise when an employee requires a leave of absence from work. Together, we work through varying factual scenarios addressing the types of complicated questions that arise before, during and after a leave of absence.

Crossing the Line? Balancing Employee vs. Employer Rights In Divisive Times

August 18, 2022, 2 hours, Management Workshop

Partners Scott Abbott and Todd Creer give you the legal parameters of employee and employer rights in relation to speech, social and political activity, discrimination, religious freedom, and dissension.

Back to Basics – Nevada Pay Practices

April 28, 2022, 1.5 hours, Back to Basics Management Workshop

Partners Jen Sarafina and Jody Florence walk you through Nevada’s wage and hour laws. At our second “Back to Basics” management workshop, we explain how seemingly simple pay practice mistakes turn into expensive and time-consuming wage and hour class action lawsuits.

Back to Basics – Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA

February 24, 2022, 2 hours, Back to Basics Management Workshop

Partners Scott Abbott and Jen Sarafina navigate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for you. At our first “Back to Basics” management workshop, there is something for everyone, whether the ADA is new to you or you are well-versed in ADA compliance. And, of course, we address COVID-related issues!

Preparing Your Company For the Biden NLRB’s Pro-Union Agenda

December 9, 2021, 1 hour, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Eddie Keller, Gregg Kamer and Dare Heisterman discuss the impact of the NLRB’s recent decisions and most recent enforcement initiatives on Nevada’s private employers – both non-union and union.

Navigating Vaccine Issues in the Workplace

October 5, 2021, 1 hour, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Todd Creer, Carol Davis Zucker, and Nicole Martin address current vaccine questions facing employers. We discuss the status of vaccine mandates, implementing various types of vaccination programs along with their pros and cons, and how to address reasonable accommodations for medical and religious issues.

Nevada Legislative Update

August 12, 2021, 1.5 hours, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Jen Sarafina, Kaitlin Paxton and Jody Florence review the labor and employment bills passed by Nevada’s 81st Legislature. We discuss the Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, changes to Nevada’s paid leave statute, new restrictions on hiring, the expansion of race discrimination, new limitations on noncompete and confidentiality provisions, and other changes for public and private employers.

HR Skills – Effective Internal Harassment and Discrimination Investigations

Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 1 hour, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Todd Creer and Dare Heisterman host an insightful discussion on the best practices for internal harassment and discrimination investigations. Todd and Dare address how effective investigations reduce incidents of harassment and discrimination in the workplace and potential employer liability, as well as the best use for suspensions pending investigation, confidentiality issues and proper documentation, and potential pitfalls to avoid in addressing workplace misconduct.

Throwing The Baby Out With The Bathwater? – The State Of Labor And Employment As The Biden Administration Moves Toward Its First 100 Days

April 8, 2021, 1 hour, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Carol Davis Zucker and Kaitlin Paxton brief you on the significant changes to agency leadership, initial executive orders, and legislative pushes President Biden has put forth as to labor and employment issues.

Answering Your COVID-19 Questions

March 9, 2021, 1.5 hours, Management Workshop

Kamer Zucker Abbott hosts a 90-minute question and answer webinar on COVID-19.

The ADA Turns Thirty: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

August 26, 2020, 1 hour, Management Workshop

Managing Partner Scott Abbott addresses a multitude of ADA issues impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including remote work arrangements, temperature checks and other health screening measures, and face coverings.

Senate Bills 3 and 4

August 25, 2020, 30 minutes, Management Workshop

Partners Todd Creer and Jen Sarafina provide a 30-minute special briefing on Senate Bills 3 and 4 enacted by the Nevada Legislature during the 2020 special session. SB 3 makes changes to Nevada’s unemployment statutes – some of which are retroactive to May 28, 2020. SB 4 places numerous COVID-19 related requirements and protocols upon “public accommodation facilities” and offers some employers immunity from civil actions for personal injury or death due to COVID-19 exposure.

To Be (Open), or Not to Be (Open)? That is the Question: Managing Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Employer Obligations under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (“WARN”) Act

May 28, 2020, 1 hour, Management Workshop

Partners Todd Creer and Jen Sarafina discuss issues employers face when operating or reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic, including Nevada’s Roadmap to Recovery plan, employee safety, temperature checks and screening, responding to employees who cannot or refuse to return to work, handling requests for accommodation, and addressing paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. They also address employers’ obligations under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (“WARN Act”).

This Changes Everything: Complying With The 2019 Legislature’s Vast Changes To Nevada Labor & Employment Law

August 13, 2019, 3 hours, Management Workshop

Jen Sarafina and Kaitlin Paxton address the numerous labor and employment bills passed by the 2019 Nevada Legislature.

Trump’s NLRB, Unions, and Nevada’s Blue Wave: The Impact On Nevada Employers In 2019

April 4, 2019, 3 hours, Management Workshop

Gregg Kamer and Eddie Keller address the latest federal and state labor law issues confronting Nevada employers. Topics include an analysis of key NLRB developments, the drafting of employee handbook rules post-Boeing, the current dynamics of union organizing in the Silver State, and a look at how Nevada’s blue state status will impact both union and non-union employers doing business in Nevada.

Year In Review

December 5, 2018, 2.5 hours, Management Workshop

Partners Scott Abbott and Todd Creer cover the #MeToo movement and new developments on tip pooling, minimum wage, non-competition agreements, union organizing and drug testing. We also discuss the latest news on the FMLA, ADA, FLSA, ADEA and Title VII and advise what trends you may expect next year.

Pregnancy and Motherhood In The Workplace

March 21, 2018, 2.5 hours, Managment Workshop

In this Workshop, we address the newly enacted Nevada Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act.

Employee Conduct – Investigations and Discipline

August 3, 2017, 2.5 hours, Managment Workshop

KZA Partners, Edwin Keller and Jen Sarafina, provide an advanced level presentation on internal workplace investigations and employee discipline. Eddie and Jen explore solutions to many of the obstacles human resources and legal professionals confront during the course of workplace investigations and the employee discipline process.

Leave of Absence Management for Employers

March 22, 2017, 2.5 hours, Management Workshop

KZA attorneys Scott Abbott and Kaitlin Paxton discuss common issues employers face under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Nevada’s worker’s compensation laws.

Wage and Hour Issues Every Employer Should Know

June 30, 2016, 3 hours, Management Workshop

KZA Partners Scott Abbott and Todd Creer provide important information about the recent Department of Labor changes affecting overtime compensation and will address other related federal and state law requirements for employers.

Answering Your Most Challenging ADA Questions

December 8, 2015, 2 hours, Management Workshop

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has undergone significant changes in recent years, which has caused much confusion regarding employers’ obligations. In this informative program, we address the most common pitfalls for employers in this growing area.