Union Campaigns, Collective Bargaining And Arbitration

Las Vegas has one of the highest percentages of union-represented workers in the country. Thus, Nevada employers must be ready to meet the significant challenges posed by union representation/election campaigns and other types of protected group actions by employees, as well as the collective bargaining process associated with labor contracts and the arbitration of union grievances.

For many employers, this area of law is foreign territory. In addition, it is filled with legal limitations and procedures stemming from laws enacted during the 1930s and 1940s that seem counterintuitive to many employers. In the private sector, these laws are enforced at the federal level by a politically-influenced National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that frequently changes its interpretation of such federal laws based on the party in control of the White House. Without proper training and advice concerning the NLRB’s current legal positions, employers can quickly find themselves in legal jeopardy. If you are working through union issues or other types of group efforts of employees, it is important to partner with attorneys well versed in labor law.

As one of the most experienced management-side labor law firms in Nevada, Kamer Zucker Abbott assists employers with implementing lawful union avoidance processes and navigating through the union representation/election process when employees petition the NLRB seeking representation. If and when a union is properly certified as the bargaining representative for a group of employees, KZA has extensive labor law experience in negotiating and administering labor contracts between both public and private sector unions and employers.

Since its founding, our firm has maintained a substantial practice in all areas of “traditional” labor law, including:

  • Developing union avoidance strategies and policies
  • Representing employers in the union representation/election process
  • Private and public sector collective bargaining
  • Representation of employers in arbitration hearings
  • Training managers and supervisors how to conduct themselves during a union campaign and other labor-related issues
  • Planning for and responding to strikes, lockouts and secondary boycotts, including litigation and injunction actions to stop and remedy illegal union activity