Disabilities And Job Accommodations

While most laws pertaining to the workplace are couched in terms of not engaging in certain types of conduct, the area of employment law related to employees with disabilities is one that affirmatively requires employers to take action, such as exploring the need for and making reasonable job accommodations to allow disabled employees the opportunity to be successful in the workforce. When employees inform their employers that they cannot perform certain duties or cannot return to work for a period of time due to physical or mental impairments, both Nevada and federal law obligate employers to discuss these issues with their employees. The goal of such interaction is to determine whether these employees can be assisted in some manner so that performance of their job’s essential functions can still be achieved.

Because physical or mental impairments can impact individuals differently, each workplace disability issue is unique, carrying with it nuances and varying considerations. There are also no bright line rules applicable to every type of medical condition or job. Thus, employers must be particularly diligent and creative when addressing disability issues, making collaboration with experienced attorneys critical.

If your business is working through a workplace disability/job accommodation issue, KZA is prepared to bring our decades of experience to help you address it. We provide straightforward, candid advice and practical solutions to address disability issues. In addition, we can help you effectively respond to disability-related charges and litigation.