Advice And Counseling

The complex landscape of labor and employment law calls for employers to act as prudently as possible before making decisions that could subject them to significant liability. As a result, employers are often well-served by placing a telephone call or sending an email to experienced counsel to ensure they are proceeding on the right path. At Kamer Zucker Abbott, a substantial component of our practice is counseling all types of employers on a plethora of labor and employment-related issues.

No matter how simple or complex the question, our attorneys strive to provide easily understandable advice to guide employers in their workplace decision-making. We endeavor to assist our clients to serve their business needs without inadvertently exposing them to legal challenges.

Some common questions KZA attorneys routinely address include:

  • Can I terminate this employee?
  • Is my employee exempt from overtime?
  • Can I deduct an amount owed to the company from an employee’s paycheck?
  • How should I proceed once I have received a complaint of harassment?

If your business is working through these types of issues, or has similar types of questions, seeking out early advice and counseling can potentially save your organization hours of work and thousands of dollars in legal costs.