Update On Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate

Volume: 21 | Issue: 41
September 27, 2022

The Safer Federal Workforce website has been updated to address the recent decision of the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals to lift the nationwide stay of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors. Absent further written notice, the federal government “will take no action to implement or enforce” President Biden’s Executive Order 14042 which required federal contractors and subcontractors to ensure their employees are vaccinated against COVID-19 and adopt other safety protocols.

Thus, even though the stay no longer applies to most federal contractors and subcontractors in Nevada and the vaccine mandate could go into effect, the federal government has decided not to implement or enforce it or the federal contractor COVID-19 protocols at this time. Employees who work onsite in federal facilities will still be required to follow COVID-19 protocols, which have also been updated, but federal contractors will not be required to implement those protocols at their own workplaces.

If you have questions about this update, please contact a KZA attorney.

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