Senate Bill 4 Update – Postings Now Available

Volume: 19 | Issue: 60
September 24, 2020

In August, the Nevada Legislature passed Senate Bill 4, prescribing how public accommodation facilities in Clark and Washoe counties must respond to COVID-19. The new law, which mandates cleaning standards, COVID-19 protocols, COVID-19 response plans, and posting requirements, requires the Department of Health and Human Services to adopt regulations regarding the law and its enforcement. According to the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), those regulations, which were issued earlier this month, go into effect on October 5, 2020.

The SNHD has now released postings for employer use – a one-page summary of the prevention standards required by the law and a list of key contact numbers at SNHD. “Both the one-page summary of standards and the public health contact lists are required to be posted at each employee entrance and on each bulletin board where the facility regularly posts official communications with employees.” The SNHD further advises that the one-page summary “also serves as a checklist of items SNHD will verify are in place when doing compliance inspections.”

The SNHD has also released an example COVID-19 Prevention and Response Plan that outlines many of the measures facilities must take to meet the new law’s requirements. The SNHD advises that “[e]ach facility needs to have a designated person responsible for overseeing their prevention plan.”

Pursuant to the new law, the SNHD will conduct compliance inspections of resort hotels every 2 months and non-resorts hotels with more than 200 rooms every 3 months. Non-resort hotels with fewer than 200 rooms will be inspected annually. Inspections will begin October 5, 2020.

If you have questions about these requirements, please contact a KZA attorney.

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