Save The Date For KZA’s Next Webinar!

Volume: 20 | Issue: 65
October 28, 2021

Date: December 9, 2021

Topic: Preparing Your Company For the Biden NLRB’s Pro-Union Agenda 

What lies ahead for Nevada’s private employers now that President Biden’s appointments constitute a majority of the NLRB?

In the midst of a lingering pandemic, rising inflation, a declining labor force participation rate, and worsening labor shortages, efforts are underway to increase the NLRB’s budget by up to $43 million so it can quickly overturn Trump-era precedent and “play hard ball” with struggling employers. The progressive winds of change appear to be rising to hurricane force levels and the forecast calls for abrupt changes in U.S. labor policy that leave employers faced with far-sweeping, pro-union standards.

Save the date for KZA’s next webinar where KZA attorneys Eddie Keller, Gregg Kamer and Dare Heisterman will discuss the impact of the NLRB’s recent decisions and most recent enforcement initiatives on Nevada’s private employers – both non-union and union.

Topics will include:

  • Emerging labor relations trends.
  • A review of the NLRB’s most recent case statistics. 
  • The legal ramifications of the NLRB’s most significant 2020-2021 rulings.
  • The sweeping changes being implemented by the NLRB’s new General Counsel.
  • The NLRB’s agenda in 2022 and beyond.
  • Anticipated changes to union election rules.  
  • Steps non-union and union employers should consider to ensure compliance with the NLRA.
  • What can employers do to avoid litigation under the NLRA.

Registration information will be forthcoming. We hope you can join us!

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