NV OSHA Updates Its COVID-19 Guidance

Volume: 21 | Issue: 20
April 4, 2022

The Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NV OSHA) issued an updated COVID-19 guidance for employers on March 17, 2022. This update replaces the February 14, 2022, COVID-19 guidance and appears to contain changes only for healthcare employers.

NV OSHA states that this “guidance has been updated to reflect requirements contained within the COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for reporting COVID-19 fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations. This guidance also provides an update on inspection efforts at healthcare facilities.”

The guidance provides a new section on COVID-19 inspections of healthcare facilities, explaining that Nevada is not required to adopt the federal OSHA’s COVID-19 Focused Inspection Initiative in Healthcare. “However, Nevada OSHA will support the initiative . . . by evaluating previous COVID-19 inquiries and inspections for possible follow-up enforcement action” at hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities. The guidance also addresses healthcare employers’ additional and different reporting requirements for COVID-19 fatalities or in-patient hospitalizations.

Nevada’s healthcare employers should carefully review this updated guidance. KZA attorneys are available to answer your questions. 

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