NV OSHA Penalties Increase

Volume: 21 | Issue: 5
January 17, 2022

The Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NV OSHA) has announced that its penalties have increased 6.22% in accordance with an inflation adjustment. This increase takes effect immediately for any penalty assessed on or after January 15, 2022, regardless of the date of inspection.

The penalties for violations of the Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Act have increased as follows:

  • for serious violations, other-than-serious violations, and posting requirement violations, the maximum penalty has increased from $13,653 to $14,502;
  • for repeated violations, maximum penalties have increased from $136,532 to $145,027; and
  • for willful violations, where Nevada OSHA demonstrates that an employer knowingly failed to comply with an OSHA standard, or demonstrated a plain indifference for employee safety, the minimum penalty increases from $9,639 to $10,360 and the maximum penalty increases from $136,532 to $145,027.

Please contact a KZA attorney with any questions you have about OSHA violations or inspections.

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