NV OSHA Issues High Winds Guidance

Volume: 22 | Issue: 16
April 26, 2023

On April 24, 2023, the Nevada Occupational Safety & Health Administration (NV OSHA) issued a new guidance for Nevada businesses that addresses high winds. The guidance outlines the types of hazards high winds can cause for workers and reminds employers of their general duty to “monitor working conditions at any location where their employees are performing work, . . . identify hazards that are causing or are likely to cause harm to their employees, and . . . implement effective methods to control those hazards.”

The guidance details federal OSHA regulations addressing high winds and provides recommendations for proactive steps Nevada businesses should take to mitigate the effects of high winds and meet their general duty to protect their employees. NV OSHA specifically recommends monitoring wind speeds throughout a work shift when increased wind is forecasted or observed, establishing a clear procedure for stopping work as a result of hazardous wind conditions, and training employees and supervisors on the hazards of high wind speeds, procedures for mitigating wind hazards and stopping work, and the importance of reporting wind issues to supervisors. Nevada OSHA also outlines controls employers should consider when wind levels are high and addresses when an employer should consider stopping work due to high winds.

If your employees work outside, we encourage you to carefully review this guidance and incorporate it into your procedures and policies. As always, if you have questions or would like assistance with this or other NV OSHA matters, please contact a KZA attorney.

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