Nevada Gaming Control Updates Its Health & Safety Policies

Volume: 19 | Issue: 37
June 26, 2020

In light of the Governor’s Directive 24 mandating face coverings for all Nevadans and visitors, the Nevada Gaming Control Board has updated its reopening Health and Safety Policies for nonrestricted and restricted licensees. The Board’s notice states that the following substantive changes have been made to these policies:

  • “All licensees: Pursuant to Governor Sisolak’s Emergency Directive 024, licensees shall ensure that all patrons and guests properly utilize face coverings, subject to guidelines in the Directive (page 4).
  • All licensees: Please note that section 7(3) of Emergency Directive 024 only deems a face shield a sufficient face covering if the individual has a medical reason as to why he or she cannot wear a face mask or cloth face covering.
  • Nonrestricted licensees: There is no longer an exception from the face covering requirement at table games that have barriers or partitions between the dealer and each player.”

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