KZA Attorneys Recognized In 2020 Legal Elite

Volume: 19 | Issue: 33

June 15, 2020

KZA is proud to announce that many of its attorneys have been honored in the Nevada Business Legal Elite 2020, including each of the firm’s associates! Partners Scott Abbott, Todd Creer, Gregg Kamer, Eddie Keller, and Jen Sarafina have been recognized among Southern Nevada’s Top Attorneys, while associates Dare Heisterman, Nicole Martin, and Kaitlin Paxton have all been recognized among the Best Up & Coming Attorneys.

The Legal Elite is an annual list “showcasing Nevada attorneys” who have been recognized by their peers “for their work and dedication to the legal field.” “The Legal Elite list includes only the top 3 percent of attorneys in the state . . . .”

We are honored by these selections and thankful to our peers for their support. Please join us in congratulating our associates – we are so proud of them!

KZA Employer Report articles are for general information only; they are not intended and should not be construed to be legal advice. Reading or replying to such articles does not establish an attorney-client relationship. In addition, because the subject matters and applicable laws discussed in Employer Report articles are often in a state of change and not always applicable to every type of business entity or organization, readers should consult with counsel before making decisions based on the same.

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