Guidance On Clark County’s New COVID-19 Mitigation Requirements

Volume: 20 | Issue: 48
July 23, 2021

Clark County has issued guidance in the form of Frequently Asked Questions to address its recent amendment to the COVID-19 Local Mitigation and Enforcement Plan. The amendment generally requires face coverings for all employees while working indoors. It also requires signage using the Southern Nevada Health District’s most recent recommendation on face coverings and, for some employers, the submission of a COVID-19 plan. 

The guidance explains that Clark County’s Local Mitigation Plan and its amendment apply to all businesses in Clark County, including those located in Clark County’s municipalities. It also clarifies that face coverings are required for a business that is closed to the public if employees are in close contact with one another indoors. 

Additionally, the Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NV OSHA) has updated its COVID-19 Guidance for Nevada Businesses to incorporate Clark County’s amendment to its Local Mitigation Plan. 

We encourage all Clark County employers to carefully review both documents and contact a KZA attorney with any questions you have.

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