Governor Announces Statewide Pause

Volume: 19 | Issue: 70
November 23, 2020

Yesterday, in light of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, Governor Sisolak announced additional restrictions that go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, November 24, 2020. These restrictions include the following:

  • Face coverings are now required at all times, whether indoors or outdoors, when around anyone from outside your household;
  • Restaurants and bars must reduce to 25% capacity with strict social distancing requirements, no more than 4 patrons per table, and seating by reservation only (for those that serve food);
  • Gaming operations are restricted to 25% occupancy;
  • Gyms, fitness facilities, dance/martial art studios, museums, art galleries, libraries, zoos and aquariums, arcades, racetracks, bowling alleys, amusement and theme parks must reduce to 25% capacity;
  • Retail stores, including grocery stores, will remain at 50% capacity but have additional social distancing and monitoring requirements;
  • Public gatherings (including places of worship, theaters, casino showrooms, weddings, funerals) are limited to no more than 50 people or 25% capacity, whichever is less;
  • Large events will no longer be approved and events that have already been approved must be canceled;
  • Private gatherings are limited to no more than 10 people from no more than 2 separate households; those attending a private gathering must now follow the State’s face covering mandate;
  • Adult and youth sport tournaments must be canceled.

For additional details on what has and has not changed, the Governor’s office has issued a Statewide Pause Guidance Matrix, as well as a Summary Graphic. An additional emergency directive will also be published.

The Governor stressed that he is not issuing a shutdown order. Instead, he is implementing a statewide pause to “aggressively try to attack this spread, while maintaining some portion of our economy and our daily life.” While these new restrictions will last at least three weeks, the Governor explained that stronger action will be needed if the pandemic worsens. Stronger action will target high-risk settings and may include a prohibition on indoor dining and service at restaurants and bars, closure of gyms, and increased restrictions on gathering sizes.

We will keep you posted on these new restrictions.

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