Election Day Reminder – Nevada Law Requires Paid Time Off To Vote

Volume: 21 | Issue: 28
June 8, 2022

Nevada voters will head to the polls twice this year – on June 14, 2022 for the primary election and on November 8, 2022 for the general election. As such, this is a good time to review what Nevada requires of employers in relation to voting.

Many of your employees can vote before or after work. If, however, it is “impracticable” for an employee to vote outside of working time, Nevada law requires an employer to provide a registered voter with paid time off to vote.

The employer can require the employee to request the time off in advance of election day. The employer may also designate the time of day the registered voter can leave work to vote. If the distance between the place of employment and the polling place is 2 miles or less, the employee must be given one hour off of work. If the distance is more than 2 miles but not more than 10 miles, the employee is entitled to two hours off of work. If the distance is more than 10 miles, the employee is entitled to three hours off of work.

An employee who needs time off to vote cannot be discharged, disciplined or penalized for the time off, and no deduction can be made from his or her usual salary or wages because of the absence.

If you have questions about this law (Nevada Revised Statutes 293.463), please contact a KZA attorney.

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