Changes To COVID-19 Mitigation Measures

Volume: 20 | Issue: 19
March 15, 2021

On Friday, March 12, Governor Sisolak issued Emergency Directive 41. This directive serves several purposes.

First, it increases capacity limitations for large gatherings and creates a new process for obtaining approval for large gatherings. Second, it formalizes the timeline, process and requirements for counties to finalize their Local Mitigation and Enforcement Plans for delegation of COVID-19 mitigation measures by May 1. Directive 41 specifically provides, however, that certain mitigation measures “shall remain in place and will continue to be managed and enforced by the State,” including statewide mask/face covering requirements, social distancing and hygiene considerations, and mitigation measures for gaming and cannabis establishments.

The Governor’s Office also announced that “[o]ther components of the Roadmap to Recovery plan remain on schedule, with establishments currently operating at 35 percent capacity moving to 50 percent capacity on March 15.” Those establishments include:

  • Food and beverage establishments;
  • Gyms, fitness studios, yoga studios, dance studios, and similar establishments;
  • Gaming floors; and
  • Arcades, racetracks, bowling alleys, mini-golf, pool halls/billiards rooms, amusement and theme parks, and similar activities.

KZA attorneys are available to assist you if you have questions about these developments.

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