Phase 2 Reopening Resources

Volume: 19 | Issue: 32
June 2, 2020

On May 28, 2020, Governor Sisolak announced the start of Phase 2 of Nevada’s Roadmap to Recovery plan and issued Directive 21. Phase 2 allows for the opening of additional businesses on May 29, and gaming establishments on June 4. While Nevadans are encouraged to stay at home to the greatest extent possible, continue to use face coverings, and practice social distancing and good hygiene, the restriction on public gatherings has been relaxed to groups of no more than 50.

Directive 21 sets forth several requirements and recommendations for employers and should, therefore, be carefully reviewed. Additionally, the Governor has released Guidelines and Protocols for Individuals and Businesses in Phase 2 as well as Industry Specific Guidelines. As we discussed last week, the Nevada Gaming Control Board has revised its reopening requirements for gaming licensees.

KZA attorneys are available to assist you with any questions you may have about reopening or Phase 2.

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