Governor Issues New Emergency Directives

Volume: 19 | Issue: 9
March 23, 2020
Since Friday, March 20, Governor Sisolak has issued 4 new emergency directives. If you have questions about the Governor’s directives, please contact a KZA attorney.
On March 20, 2020, Governor Sisolak issued Emergency Directive 003 ordering all non-essential businesses to close until at least April 16. The Governor explained: “Previously, I asked non-essential businesses to close their doors to the public. I am no longer asking them to do that. I am directing all non-essential businesses to close. I repeat. If you are NOT an essential business, I am using my power as Governor under an emergency declaration to order you to close.”
The Department of Public Safety then issued emergency regulations to define essential and non-essential businesses and provide parameters for essential businesses to continue operations. We encourage all employers to review these regulations.
Governor Sisolak also issued Emergency Directive 004 which addresses obtaining and renewing driver’s licenses, registering vehicles, and obtaining occupational licenses through the Department of Motor Vehicles, and Emergency Directive 005 which addresses how the school system should continue to operate. On March 22, he issued Emergency Directive 006, addressing how public bodies should meet during the COVID-19 national emergency.

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