FTC Appeals Decision On Noncompete Ban

Volume: 23 | Issue: 37
November 13, 2024

In August we reported that the Federal Trade Commission’s new rule banning noncompete agreements would not go into effect because it was declared unlawful by a Texas federal court and “set aside with nationwide effect” for all employers.  On October 18, 2024, the FTC appealed that decision to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

We will keep you posted on developments in this case. For the time being, Nevada employers can focus on ensuring any noncompete restriction used meets the parameters of Nevada law.

If you would like assistance with a noncompete agreement, or you have questions about Nevada law, please contact a KZA attorney.

KZA Employer Report articles are for general information only; they are not intended and should not be construed to be legal advice. Reading or replying to such articles does not establish an attorney-client relationship. In addition, because the subject matters and applicable laws discussed in Employer Report articles are often in a state of change and not always applicable to every type of business entity or organization, readers should consult with counsel before making decisions based on the same.

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