KZA’s Scott Abbott Publishes Article On Mental Health And The ADA

Volume: 23 | Issue: 17
May 8, 2024

We are proud to announce that Scott Abbott has published an article in the May issue of the Nevada Lawyer entitled: Mental Health Support for Attorneys Through the ADA. The Nevada Lawyer is a publication of the State Bar of Nevada. Because May is Mental Health Awareness Month, the May issue of the Nevada Lawyer focuses on mental health and the law. 

Scott has over 30 years of experience applying the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to employment matters. In this new article, he addresses mental health challenges facing attorneys and how the ADA can be a useful resource for them. He explains that most clinically recognized mental health impairments are covered by the ADA and reviews the ADA’s reasonable accommodation requirements. Scott encourages attorneys struggling with mental health conditions to partner with their employers to explore accommodations which may allow the attorneys to better balance the demands of the legal practice.  

We applaud the Nevada Lawyer for focusing on mental health this month and invite you to read Scott’s article. We are grateful for Scott’s insight on this important topic.

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