EMRB To Hold Public Hearing On Procedure Changes And New Nevada Law Authorizing Collective Bargaining For State Employees

Volume: 18 | Issue: 21
November 19, 2019

On December 17, 2019, Nevada’s Government Employee-Management Relations Board (EMRB) will hold a public hearing on a proposed regulation addressing Senate Bill 135 which authorized collective bargaining for certain state employees. This Bill allows certain classified employees in the State’s Executive Department the ability to organize and join labor organizations, or refrain from engaging in that activity, and to engage in collective bargaining through exclusive representatives.

The proposed regulation seeks to ensure that the EMRB uses “one seamless system for the processing of cases before the agency, no matter the origin of a given case.” As such, it proposes changing current EMRB procedures to add this new classification of cases and to otherwise address the requirements of SB 135.

Aside from SB 135, the regulation also proposes changes to EMRB procedures for all cases. It proposes changes to “procedural deadlines for certain documents filed” with the EMRB to accord with recent changes to the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure. It also proposes “a few minor changes” to the use of EMRB panels, adds “an element to items required to be included in any prehearing statement,” and allows for “the increased use of technology.”

More information about the hearing and an opportunity to submit written comments can be found in the EMRB’s Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation.

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