June 19 Becomes A Legal Holiday In Nevada

Volume: 22 | Issue: 26
June 15, 2023

The Nevada Legislature has passed Assembly Bill 140, making Juneteenth Day, June 19, a legal holiday in Nevada for state, county and city governmental offices. This bill has been approved by the Governor and went into immediate effect. As such, all state, county and city offices, courts, public schools and the Nevada System of Higher Education must close on Juneteenth Day, starting this June 19, 2023.

This year June 19 falls on a Monday. In the future, if this holiday falls on a Sunday, it will be observed as a legal holiday the following Monday; if it falls on a Saturday, it will be observed the Friday before June 19.

Private employers may, but are not required to, include Juneteenth Day as a company holiday in their holiday policies.

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