Nevada’s 2023 Legislative Session

Volume: 22 | Issue: 12
March 22, 2023

The 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature began on February 6, 2023 and ends on June 5, 2023. As always, we are tracking legislative developments that may impact public and private employers. Additionally, once the session closes, we will brief you on any substantive changes to Nevada labor and employment law.

In the meantime, here are a few of the bills we are currently tracking:

  • Assembly Bill 163 – This bill seeks to expand Nevada’s domestic abuse leave law to include victims of sexual assault. It seeks to permit a victim of sexual assault to take up to 160 hours of leave in one 12-month period and to require an employer to make reasonable accommodations for such an employee.
  • Assembly Bill 89 – This bill requires a contractor or subcontractor on a public works project to use the federal E-Verify employment verification system to verify the employment eligibility of all workers on the project.
  • Senate Bill 147 – This bill seeks to ensure that Nevada’s wage and hour laws relating to wages due upon discharge include employees who are laid off. It provides that whenever an employer lays off an employee, the wages and compensation earned and unpaid at the time of such layoff become due and payable immediately. It also applies Nevada’s penalty for failure to pay such wages within 3 days (the wages continue at the same rate from the day the employee was discharged or for 30 days, whichever is less) to an employee who is laid off.
  • Senate Bill 271 – Section 3 of this bill provides that if a complaint is filed with the Nevada Equal Rights Commission (NERC) alleging an unlawful discriminatory practice in employment, NERC must consider the historical patterns and practices of the employer in determining whether an investigation is warranted.

None of these bills have passed both houses of the Legislature, and they can be considered “proposals” for the time being. We will keep you posted on which of these (and the others we are tracking) actually pass the Assembly and Senate. If you have questions or are interested in a particular bill, please let us know.

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