DOL Publishes New Resources Regarding Retaliation

Volume: 21 | Issue: 16
March 16, 2022

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has published new resources to address retaliation against employees who engage in protected conduct in relation to wages and pay practices. The Division has released a new anti-retaliation website and publications such as a Field Assistance Bulletin and a presentation addressing wage and hour laws protecting workers from retaliation.

Protecting workers who complain about wages or pay practices from retaliation is currently a focal point for the Wage and Hour Division. You may remember that the DOL announced earlier this year an agreement with the National Labor Relations Board to engage in joint investigations and enforcement efforts addressing worker’s complaints about wage and hour matters and retaliation. In publishing these new resources on retaliation, the DOL stated: “The Wage and Hour Division is committed to preventing and addressing retaliation against workers and will use every tool available to safeguard worker protections.”

We encourage you to review the website and ensure that you are incorporating wage and hour complaints and other conduct protected under wage and hour laws into your anti-retaliation policies and training materials. KZA attorneys are always available to help you understand these initiatives and implement best practice measures to address them. 

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