Guidance On New Mask Mandate

Volume: 20 | Issue: 51
August 2, 2021

Last week, Governor Sisolak issued Emergency Directive 47 that requires all persons in counties with substantial or high community transmission rates to wear a face covering while in public indoor spaces regardless of vaccination status. The State has now issued a guidance to help answer questions about this new mask mandate.

The guidance explains that county transmission data will be reviewed every Tuesday by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) which will notify counties and the public of their status. The guidance stresses that no changes will be made to a county’s mask requirement until the county has remained in a transmission classification for two consecutive weeks. When a change must be made to a county’s mask mandate, the county will have until Friday of the relevant week to implement the change.

The guidance also details where masks are required and explains that a “public indoor setting” is “any indoor areas where other people who are not members of your own household are present.” It sets forth exceptions to the mask mandate and clarifies that “people who are at a restaurant or other establishment that offers food or beverage services” may remove face coverings “while they are actively eating or drinking.” Finally, the guidance directly addresses the Delta variant and vaccinations.

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