Clark County’s COVID-19 Mitigation And Enforcement Plan

Volume: 20 | Issue: 27
April 26, 2021

As you know, on May 1, many COVID-19 mitigation measures will transition to the control of local authorities. Clark County’s Local Mitigation and Enforcement Plan has been approved by the Clark County Commissioners and has been presented to the state’s COVID-19 Mitigation Management Task Force.

If you are a non-gaming employer in Clark County, this is the Plan you will now follow. Gaming licensees will be governed by the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Businesses located within a gaming property are subject to the County’s Local Plan. “For example, a retail clothing store located within a gaming property will follow the mitigation measures for retail stores that are set forth in the county’s plan.”

The Local Plan provides that effective May 1, Clark County will change capacity and social distancing requirements from 50% occupancy and 6 feet of distance to 80% occupancy and 3 feet of distance. These restrictions will be removed when 60% of the population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Clark County’s plan makes many other changes, detailed in the Local Plan and a quick reference guide. For example, adult entertainment venues, nightclubs and dayclubs may open, hot tubs and spas may open, congregating areas in bars and restaurants are now permitted and buffets may resume.

We will keep you updated on Clark County’s mitigation requirements. Please note that the statewide mask mandate remains in effect for all Nevadans and in all workplaces. If you have questions about these changes, please contact a KZA attorney. 

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