Changes To COVID-19 Mitigation Measures

Volume: 20 | Issue: 10
February 12, 2021

Yesterday, Governor Sisolak announced the easing of certain COVID-19 mitigation measures and a strategy for the coming months via a Roadmap to Recovery Safe Reopening Plan. The Governor explained: “After making it through the very difficult winter surges and the pause, Nevadans want and deserve predictability about what our path forward will look like.”

On February 15, restaurants, bars, gaming floors, places of worship, gyms, and amusement parks can move to 35% capacity while retail stores, museums, cannabis establishments, and community centers can move to 50% capacity. Public gatherings and events of 100 individuals or 35% of fire code capacity (whichever is less) may resume with strict social distancing requirements, and requests for large gatherings starting March 1 may be submitted. Specific rules for each type of establishment are set forth in the Recovery Plan.

On March 15, mitigation measures will further relax with most establishments being able to move to 50% capacity and public gathering and events increasing to 250 individuals or 50% of fire code capacity. Adult entertainment establishments, dayclubs, nightclubs, brothels and karaoke will remain closed through at least May 1.

Despite these changes, the statewide mask mandate and social distancing safety protocols will remain in place. If we can assist you with these changes, please contact a KZA attorney.

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