Alert – Mandatory Vaccine Survey Required For Gaming Licensees

Volume: 20 | Issue: 4
January 15, 2021

The Nevada Gaming Control Board has announced that all nonrestricted licensees are required to complete a Licensee Workforce Vaccination Survey by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2021. The mandatory survey is designed to aid in the implementation of Nevada’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program which classifies the gaming industry as part of the state’s Frontline and Essential Workforce.

The survey seeks information regarding how many employees have prolonged, sustained customer interaction, how many employees have minimal customer interaction but regularly interact with the first group of employees, and the number of employees who have no exposure to customers. Additionally, employers are required to survey their employees with three specific questions — whether they have enough information on the vaccine, what type of information would be helpful to them, and how likely they are to take the vaccine.

Employers are permitted to survey their staff using any convenient and available platform or methodology. Because the Licensee Workforce Vaccination Survey is mandatory, gaming employers can require employees to respond to their internal survey regarding vaccines. Survey responses should be kept confidential, like medical information, and access to actual response data should be limited to as few people as possible.

KZA attorneys are available to assist you with this process or answer any questions you have.

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