Alert: Nevada Legislature Passes New Laws

Volume: 19 | Issue: 48
August 11, 2020

Governor Sisolak convened a special session of the Nevada Legislature on July 31, 2020 to consider a variety of COVID-19 related issues, such as unemployment benefits, evictions, elections, and liability protections, as well as social justice reforms. The session closed on August 6 with several new laws passed. We write to highlight two of these Bills – Senate Bills 3 and 4.

Senate Bill 3 addresses unemployment. According to the Governor’s press release, it is designed to “provide more flexibility to DETR to help connect claimants to benefits faster and will extend the number of weeks Nevadans are eligible for additional benefits through this crisis, using only federal funds.” The Bill expands unemployment coverage in several key ways and applies, in part, retroactively.

Senate Bill 4 relates to COVID-19 and is particularly important to employers. We have summarized below two key parts of this legislation: new, sweeping mandates for hotels, resorts, casinos, and other rental facilities in Clark and Washoe counties; and civil liability protection for many Nevada employers. Please read the articles below for more details. Senate Bill 4 becomes effective immediately upon the Governor’s signature.

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