Governor Sisolak Announces New Targeted Response Model For COVID-19 Mitigation

Volume: 19 | Issue: 46
August 4, 2020

Yesterday, Governor Sisolak and the Nevada Health Response team announced a new long-term mitigation strategy for Nevada’s battle against COVID-19. This approach is designed to keep businesses open as much as possible and avoid broad-based stay-at-home orders by focusing on the specific risks and needs of each particular county.

The new approach will focus on each county’s data and target the specific reasons for spread in each county. Each week, the state will update the status of each county’s Elevated Disease Transmission criteria. “If a county is determined to have an increased risk based on the data, [it] will enter an assessment and review process with the state task force that could result in changing the county’s mitigation level. During that assessment, the Task Force and county will review all available data and statewide critical metrics to determine the root cause of the spread, and ultimately come up with an action plan to address it, which could lead to targeted measures such as: increased enforcement, decrease in gathering size, decrease in fire code capacity for certain businesses, and more.”

Until the first assessment takes place and action plans are finalized between the counties and the task force, the current closures and restrictions for bars, pubs and taverns remain in effect.

The Governor stressed: “Just as before, this plan, or any other, will not work if we don’t have full participation from all Nevadans . . . . If Nevadans continue to wear face coverings as we’re all mandated to do, along with practicing aggressive social distancing, this targeted approach should work and will allow more sectors of our economy to remain open. If Nevadans begin to relax their efforts and take this less seriously, this targeted approach will not work, and will lead our state backward which could ultimately lead once again to broad-based closures and limitations. I don’t want that, and neither do all of you.”

We encourage all employers to review the Governor’s Road to Recovery: Moving to a New Normal plan which explains this new approach in more detail.

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